
Introducing Business Process Analysis Templates in Action

We know what and why to use Business Process Analysis Templates, this series explores BPA templates in action with real-life customer examples and stories.

By Cathy Dew

In the previous blog series for business process analysis templates, we dug into the details for several templates used in Business Process Analysis (BPA). For each one, we discussed the what, the when, the why and even the how to leverage these templates on your BPA project. We also provided sample templates to use in your own projects. This blog includes links to all of the template blogs, in case you missed it "Which Business Process Analysis Template Works for What Type of Project."

As our team was talking about where to go next with our blog, we started recalling some of the subtleties and nuances of using these templates on client projects. Over the years, we quite a few instances of using these templates on various projects. As part of these projects we have refined our techniques, our communication style, our process of doing business process analysis. We have variations of the tools depending on the type of project. We also have a robust list of lessons learned.

One of the biggest aspects of this work is that project success is highly dependent on the analyst’s ability to interact effectively with the customer. As you can imagine there are all types of personalities in the customer / user community. Each one brings a different perspective to the project, but also some potential challenges.  Understanding this in advance and being able to respond in the moment and adjust are the marks of great business process analyst.

Over the next several weeks we’ll profile, expose and share:
  1. Real-life Examples of developing specific business process templates with clients to demonstrate how templates can be tweaked to fit the specifics of different types of projects.
  2. Lessons Learned across multiple project types and templates to help you avoid some of the common pitfalls in this person-centric work.
  3. Tips and Tricks for interacting successfully with the many personalities you are sure to encounter as you develop these artifacts of business process analysis so that you can shine on your next project.
  4. Watch Out Alerts related to the tools, the process and the interaction to ensure success in your interaction with management, stakeholders and the people doing the work.

Business Process Analysis is a critical methodology for understanding processes, improving processes, automating, changing, refining, expanding and in some cases eliminating business processes.

Whether the process is related to change management, structural transition or implementing software, you must understand the target of your project. Business process analysis templates allow you to produce artifacts that document the not only the nuts and bolts of a process but also the less obvious details of a flow which is often where the real nuggets lie. The opportunities for change that can have a positive impact often reside in the details that can be learned by effectively interacting with the people closest to the work.

Stay tuned for the next several blogs where we make this work Real. Real projects. Real stories. Real Results.  Every time.
Cathy Dew
Cathy Dew – CEO + Information Architect
Cathy focuses the company on our mission – Real results. Every time. Information architect and strategist, Cathy is passionate about making software work well – the function, the feel, the result.